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Bronson Watermarker

Personalized PDF watermarking made easy.

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Personalized in a click

Personalized PDFs with one click.

Watermarking PDFs has never been easier.

With Bronson Watermarker PDF for the Mac, a simple list of names generates individually-watermarked PDFs with a single click.

Whether you’re sending out one document or 100, it’s easy-to-use, fast and foolproof.

Watermark screenplays

Make your marks.

Bronson Watermarker fits your workflow.

Save watermarks
Start with PDF


Start with a PDF.

Open or drag in a PDF to get started.

Add text


Add text.

Each line will become a custom PDF. You can also open a text file, or copy and paste a list.

Pick your look


Pick your look.

Choose the placement, size, color, and font that suits your document.




Click Save, and you’re done. Bronson will create an individualized document for each name in your list.

Security that goes deep.

Instantly create password-protected PDFs with 40-bit encryption.

Password protection

Bronson Watermarker PDF goes beyond watermarking with 40-bit password encryption.

Choose a single custom password for your files, or use Bronson’s password generator to assign random unique passwords for each file it creates.

Password protection

Enhanced security options keep your watermarks where you want them.

Digital fingerprint


The fingerprint option adds an invisible watermark along with unique file metadata to each document.

Deep burn protection

Deep burn

Deep burn converts each page of your PDF into an image. This results in larger file sizes, but prevents text selection and copying.

Deep burn protection

Random noise

The random noise option generates a complex pattern of dots, rather than a solid color, making it much harder to remove the watermark.

Features at a glance.


Create any number of uniquely watermarked PDFs with a click.


Font, color and opacity options suitable for any document.

Perfectly placed
Perfectly placed

Choice of five watermark placement options: centered, triple, diagonal, lower right and header.

Right size
Just the right size

With the size to Fit option, watermark text shrinks for longer names, preventing line break.

Password protection
Password protection

Password protects your documents with 40-bit encryption.

Random noise
Random noise

Fills watermark with static noise rather than a solid color, making removal more difficult.

Digital fingerprint

Inconspicuously watermarks documents.

Deep burn
Deep burn

Converts PDF pages to images so text can’t be copied.

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Bronson Watermarker

Personalized PDF watermarking made easy.

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